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A political party that wants voters to give them control of Congress also wants you to believe that a man is guilty until proven innocent; that presumed guilt is contingent on gender and race; and that sitting on accusations until the midnight hour is not a manipulative, politically-motivated stunt. With all due respect to victims of sexual predation from both genders (oops, perhaps I should have said all genders), the allegations and smears against Brett Kavanaugh smack of political motivation, and you can bet Kavanaugh’s detractors are proud of it.

First there was Professor Christine Ford’s allegation about an assault 36 years ago at a party that no one remembers, including her. Then there are the cloudy and shifting recollections of Deborah Ramirez about a dorm party at Yale 35 years ago at which she thinks Kavanaugh exposed himself as part of a drinking game, but no one else seems to recall that event either. In fact, it’s reported that Ramirez was not going forward with the claim until she was sought out by congressional Democrats. And then there is Michael Avenatti, the cartoonish attorney for porn star Stormy Daniels, who says that Kavanaugh and a buddy, Mark Judge, regularly drugged women and arranged for “trains” of men to rape them. Avenatti now says one such woman will come forward within 48 hours. Perhaps she’s still negotiating her deal with Avenatti. Why, you could almost get the idea that Democrats are actively recruiting accusers.

Here’s what Charlie Martin said:

Okay, so we’re up to Kavanaugh and Mark Judge supposedly pimping out drug-addled high school girls to pull a train with classmates without anyone mentioning it for 36 years. Do the accusations of Satanic abuse and child sacrifice hold off until Wednesday, do you think?”

Ford claims that Judge Brett Kavanaugh, 36 years ago as a teenager, sexually abused her at a high-school party while his friend, Mark Judge, watched. She claims Kavanaugh pushed her down on a bed, groped her, attempted to remove all or part of her one-piece swimsuit, and placed his hand over her mouth to silence her protests before Master Judge piled on top, causing the three to fall off the bed and allowing her to escape from the room.

Democrats say this allegation should keep Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court or delay any vote on his appointment until after a full investigation by the FBI. Let’s review some facts in the case:

  • Ford can’t recall a specific location, how she got there or how she got home, how she wound up in the upstairs bedroom with the two boys, the name of the party’s host, or more specifics about the date of the alleged assault.
  • Ford says she never told anyone about the incident until years later when she revealed it to a therapist, whose notes say there were four people in the room and do not mention Kavanaugh.
  • The allegation was made by Ford in a letter to Senator Diane Feinstein on July 30, five weeks before the Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings on Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Court. Feinstein did not mention the letter during the hearings. She revealed it’s existence just a few days before a scheduled Committee vote on the Kavanaugh nomination, six weeks after her receipt of the letter. Feinstein has refused to reveal the unredacted contents of Ford’s letter to the Judiciary Committee.
  • Kavanaugh has denied the allegation and says that it could be a case of mistaken identity. Kavanaugh’s friend Mark Judge denies that the incident took place.
  • Ford named two other individuals as potential witnesses who could place both Ford and Kavanaugh at the party in question. Both have stated that they are unable to do so. The first, another male friend of Kavanaugh’s, released a statement praising Kavanaugh’s integrity. The second, a woman, stated that she does not know Kavanaugh and is unable to place the two at a party together. That’s a total of three witnesses who say they didn’t witness anything.
  • Some 200 alumni of Ford’s private all-female high school wrote a letter in support of Ford, but many of them are not even contemporaries of Ford and Kavanaugh.
  • Some 65 women who knew Kavanaugh during his high school years have signed a letter vouching for his character; a number of college and law school classmates as well as high-profile female attorneys who have worked with (and for) Kavanaugh have publicly stated their support and vouched for his integrity.
  • Originally, Ford and Kavanaugh both agreed to appear before the Judiciary Committee on Monday, Sept. 24; the vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination was delayed a week. Subsequently, Ford stated that she would not appear before the Committee until the FBI had completed an investigation of the incident.
  • The charge would not be a federal crime, so the FBI declined to investigate.
  • Later, she expressed a willingness to appear under the right conditions, but not as soon as Sept. 24; only questions from Senators; Kavanaugh cannot be in the same room; and Kavanaugh must go first.
  • After a week of repeated requests through Ford’s attorneys and several “deadlines” set by the Committee Chairman, it now appears that the hearing will take place on Thursday, Sept. 27, but the terms have not been fully settled.

I think the Committee Chairman, Chuck Grassley, got played in accepting the delays. It allowed the Democrats to raise these unprovable accusations in a campaign against Kavanaugh in the media. It also invited the very bandwagon effect of unfounded accusations we are now witnessing, as the underhanded effort to block Kavanaugh’s appointment began to bear additional fruit.

The alleged crime occurred when both Ford and Kavanaugh were minors (Ford was 15, Kavanaugh 17). The statute of limitations applicable to minors in the state of Maryland, where the alleged incident occurred, is three years or until the “injured party” reaches the age of majority. It is therefore too late for Ford to file criminal charges against Kavanaugh. The statute of limitations is reasonable to the extent that teenagers do a great many stupid and harmful things for which they should not necessarily be held responsible as adults. Sexual aggression, if proven, may well cross a line depending on its character and severity, but from a legal perspective that line is determined, in part, by the victim’s determination to bring charges at a time when the charges can reasonably be investigated. Ford did not bring them, and she did not so much as mention them to anyone for about 30 years.

Ford has been involved in some left-wing activism, but her social media profile was  scrubbed before the allegations went public. Her attorney, Debra Katz, has been a prominent member of the MeToo movement. This has, quite naturally, contributed to suspicions that the entire matter is a political stunt. That’s reinforced by Feinstein’s delays in making the matter public, Feinstein’s refusal to release Ford’s letter without redactions, and by the repeated delays in Ford’s commitment to testify before the Committee. In fact, Ford claimed that she cannot appear before the Committee until late next week because she must drive from the west coast to Washington, DC. That’s because Ford says she has a fear of flying and “closed spaces”. Not only that, these fears originated with Kavanaugh’s alleged attack. Just wow! The author at the last link wonders whether Ford took a boat to her internship in Hawaii a few years ago, avoided elevators for 36 years, or perhaps managed her issues with medication.

Ford’s high-school yearbooks were available on-line until just a few days ago, when they were suddenly taken down by the affluent private girls school she attended. The yearbooks do not reflect directly on Ford. They are, however, a bit surprising because they were presumably overseen by faculty, and yet they celebrated heavy drinking and the joys of blacking out, promiscuity, and they even contained hints of racism. The fact that the yearbooks were suddenly removed from the internet reflects on Ford’s defenders, who must have felt that the books would damage her credibility.

Again, the terms of the hearing involving Ford and Kavanaugh are still up in the air. Ford’s insistence that Kavanaugh should testify to the Committee prior to her is contrary to the normal procedure in any case involving criminal charges. The Senate follows the same rules. Putting Kavanaugh in a different room would deny him his right of habeas corpus. The Committee chairman has also suggested that questioning would be handled by a female attorney. Given these differences, it is far from certain that Ford will ever appear before the Committee.

The letter to Feinstein, as it turns out, was drafted by Ford at the senator’s request after Ford had first consulted her congresswoman, Anna Eshoo, earlier in July. The redacted portions of that letter are of interest. After all, they may either bolster or weaken the credibility of the charges. However, if there are allegations in the letter that are false, and if they were revealed to the Committee, it would expose Ford to criminal charges and imprisonment. Could this be why the full letter has been withheld by Feinstein?

However much we might desire justice for victims of sexual abuse, and however much we might sympathize with a victim’s emotional difficulties attendant to such an attack,  those matters cannot be used to deny the due process rights of an accused. Society cannot simply take an accuser’s “word for it”, especially when the accuser declines to take action within a reasonable period of time, one within which evidence and testimony might be gathered effectively. While the evidentiary standards in a criminal proceeding might be more stringent than in assessing an accused individual’s fitness for high office, mere late-hour assertions are not adequate when the record, as in Judge Kavanaugh’s case, is so exemplary, and when there is absolutely no corroboration. Indeed, it is dubious to raise serious allegations of this nature when they are unprovable, and only when the alleged attacker is due to receive a prominent appointment of some kind. Ford’s allegation, and the others, have all the earmarks of a politically-motivated smear campaign.